Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Basketball: The Best and The Worst

My Own Experiences

I have been playing basketball for a long time, and I have experienced the best and the worst of the sport.
Sometimes, basketball gets really tiring, there are times when you think you want to quit! When you have a bad game, or you mess up or lose an important game it can get really stressful.

There are some times when I questioned if I really wanted to play or not, but in the end I really love this sport. The feeling you get when you win an important game is unexplainable! I have won two gold medals in an Ontario championship, and both games were very close! The times when you make an important or game-changing shot, or your coaches and teammates are congratulating you on a good game, you feel so proud and nothing can bring you down.

Even though it gets tough sometimes, I really couldn't see myself playing any other sport. I love basketball, and my teammates are amazing as well. You really form close friendships with the people you play with, and they make the experience ten times better!